With highs of nearly 100°F and lows that flirt with freezing, Dallas is a region of extremes. The harsh weather takes a heavy toll on Texas HVAC systems. Nevertheless, many homeowners operate in reaction mode. They only call for HVAC repairs when their systems break down. It’s much more cost-effective to schedule spring HVAC maintenance than to schedule a repair in the middle of a heat wave.
Reduces Operational Costs
Industry studies tell us it’s more profitable to spend money maintaining healthy HVAC units than repairing or replacing broken ones. This is especially true in Dallas.
Facilities.net reports that a proactive approach to HVAC maintenance can chop HVAC repairs by 95 percent and operating costs by 40 percent. Investing in maintenance cuts long-term costs overall, and it keeps your warranties valid.
Filter Changes Promote HVAC Health
Just one dirty filter can finish off an aging or ailing HVAC unit. Clogged filters basically suffocate HVAC systems. Although filters are replaced during a service call, you must keep them clean between tune-ups.
Cleaning the Condensate Line Ensures Proper Drainage
Condensate lines permit humidity, in the form of moisture, to drain out of your house. Periodically, the line becomes blocked by algae, bacteria or mold. If moisture can’t exit the system, it backs up into the drain pan and possibly into your home.
Ceiling leaks, stained walls, and warped wood can develop. Moisture can cause the cooling coils to freeze up and the system to shut down.
Annual Tune-ups Increase HVAC Energy Efficiency
By the end of a season, HVAC systems acquire a thick coat of grime. The longer this grime accumulates, the less efficient a heating or cooling system will be. Your AC works longer and the energy consumed can make your power bills rise dramatically.
The climate control crew at Quality 1 Energy Systems Heating & Air Conditioning can help you make the most of your investment dollar. Visit us online for more information.