Ever wonder why some rooms in your house feel warm while others are freezing? Have arguments with your family members over who controls the thermostat? Worry that you’re throwing money away on your electric bill every month trying unsuccessfully to find an agreeable temperature to suit your entire house? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it might be a good time to consider air balancing in your home.
What is Air Balancing
In short, air balancing is a process HVAC professionals employ to test, adjust, and balance the air flow in your home. The purpose of air balancing is to keep every room in your house at its ideal temperature, saving you money and keeping you more comfortable in your home.
A simple, one-room A/C unit does exactly what it’s supposed to do; it keeps one room in your house cool. Modern central A/C units, however, are far more complex, making the need for air balancing services greater. This is especially important in the greater Dallas area, where most homes utilize a central air conditioning system to keep their inhabitants protected from the North Texas heat.
How Air Balancing Works
An air conditioning specialist will analyze the air flow in each room of your home, make adjustments to your HVAC system, and then run a subsequent series of tests to ensure improvements have been made. Your A/C specialist will continue adjusting and testing until ideal air balance has been achieved.
Air balancing is not the right service for every home. Your Quality 1 Energy Systems air conditioning specialist will evaluate your home to make sure air balancing is the right option, and if it isn’t, we will employ other techniques to make the air flow in your home more comfortable for you and your family. Schedule your appointment today.