All residents of Plano, TX should take an active interest in their home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). Unfortunately, people have some bad habits that undermine their IAQ, often without even being aware of the full consequences of their actions. Here are three bad habits that frequently lower IAQ.
1. Not Cleaning or Replacing Your HVAC Air Filters< Often/h2>
Your HVAC system’s air filters exist to help improve your IAQ. If you neglect to clean them or replace them after they have become too dirty, however, they may easily have the opposite effect.
Over time, dust and other kinds of debris will stick to the mesh on your filters, and as the air continues to flow past the filters, it will inevitably scoop up bits of this debris. As a result, that debris will get into your home and your lungs. To escape this kind of mess, always remember to clean or replace your filters at least once every 90 days.
2. Ignoring the Need for HVAC Maintenance
When your system runs at its best, it can help protect your IAQ. Annual HVAC maintenance is essential for an enormous variety of reasons. While the effect of a lack of maintenance on IAQ is only one aspect of the whole picture, it is an important aspect.
3. Not Cleaning Your Pets
We should not let our love for our pets obscure the harm that they can do to our IAQ. Fortunately, a simple commitment to cleaning and brushing your pets regularly — and especially after they return from playing outside — can do away with most of the dander, dirt and other allergens that they tend to spread.
The key is to make your cleaning regimen consistent. Don’t fall into the trap of only cleaning your pets if they happen to look dirty.
While these bad habits can damage your IAQ, you have the power to overcome them. You can also adopt some positive behaviors that will improve your IAQ. For starters, call Quality 1 Energy Systems Heating & Air Conditioning and sign up for the best IAQ services anywhere near Plano, TX.
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